Our current prices for shipping are based on UPS ground service. International orders delivery time may vary.
You can see the shipping charges for each product on their primary product page. If you aren’t on the primary product page you can access it by clicking the title of the product on the series of products on the bottom of the ‘SHOP’ page or any other product page. You will also see your shipping charges after placing your desired items in the shopping cart by clicking the ‘Add to Cart’ button and then submitting your billing and shipping details. You will then see the shipping charges on the right of your final billing screen, prior to completing your order.
If you prefer a different shipping method such as USPS or FedEx, due to location or shipping time, please detail your request in your Comments/Special Delivery Instructions at the bottom of our check out screen.
We review every order prior to shipping and are happy to accommodate your shipping requests.
Under normal circumstances, most orders ship out within 24-48 hours. However, due to large orders, weather conditions or circumstances beyond our control, we will ship your order out as soon as possible. We appreciate your business.